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Family Law Blog New City, New York

News and insights about divorce and family law in New York.

Exploring Uncontested Divorce in New York

Uncontested divorce, a streamlined approach to marital dissolution, occurs when both spouses reach mutual agreements on crucial matters related to the end of their marriage. These agreements typically encompass property division, child custody, and other pertinent issues before the divorce is filed. Alternatively, if one spouse initiates the divorce proceedings and the other does not contest it, the divorce is also considered uncontested.

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What Does Mediation Cost Vs. Divorce Litigation?

One of the most unnerving aspects of a divorce is the expense. Litigation involves filing fees, court costs, attorneys’ fees and other expenses. When a couple can’t agree on how to end their marriage and make child custody arrangements, sparring between their attorneys can drive up costs. The more acrimonious a divorce becomes, the more expensive.

But more couples are discovering mediation to resolve the conflicts amicably to avoid pricey litigation. Even the most adversarial couples can be helped by a mediator who works for a win-win solution. This process can save both parties money as well as reduce the time it takes to finalize a divorce.

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Why Choose An Uncontested Divorce In New York?

Divorce is always an emotionally trying time for everyone involved. Just the decision can be painful and heartbreaking, especially if there are children involved.

You may know someone whose divorce seemed to take forever. That may be because of issues that took time to resolve. Child custody, property division and financial affairs are some of the most common sticking points in a divorce. They can take months or even years to resolve before finalizing.

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Pros and Cons of Uncontested Divorces in New York

For those who qualify, an uncontested divorce can be faster, cheaper, and better for the long-term post-divorce relationship of the spouses.

To find out more about uncontested divorces in New York, including eligibility requirements, advantages and disadvantages of an uncontested divorce, and how to receive a personalized consultation with an experienced divorce lawyer, read on.

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Property Division in New York Divorce

Dividing a couple’s property during a divorce can lead to confusion and endless arguments; whether the property at issue is your great-grandmother’s antique clock, the kitchen table, or your primary residence, New York law establishes who gets what during a divorce and the division might not be as obvious as couples think.

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