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Family Law Blog New City, New York

News and insights about divorce and family law in New York.

Divorce Mediation

Divorce mediation stands out as a voluntary alternative dispute resolution, offering divorcing couples a departure from the conventional court proceedings. This approach prioritizes a less adversarial and more cost-effective resolution, emphasizing compromise to settle the dissolution of marriage.

In the typical divorce mediation scenario, a mediator facilitates discussions between the divorcing partners to reach agreements on crucial issues. These encompass, but are not restricted to:

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Navigating Pet Custody with Mediation: Ensuring the Best for Your Furry Friend

For divorcing couples who share a beloved pet, the question of pet custody is a unique and often emotionally charged concern. In the past, pets were regarded as mere property, and courts would determine pet ownership based on various factors. However, there's a growing shift in New York and beyond, where couples are moving away from this traditional view, opting instead for alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation, to establish a custody arrangement that prioritizes their pet's well-being. Mediation not only eases the stress of traditional litigation but also ensures that your furry friend continues to receive the love and care they deserve.

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How Mediation Can Make Your Divorce Easier

Divorce planning includes many decisions you may not have anticipated. Some decisions aren’t included in a prenuptial agreement. This may include visitation arrangements for your children, property division, spousal support, and other things not covered in the prenup.

In years prior, when a couple decided to split, they both hired their own attorney and handed everything to them. Conflicts were handled by the attorneys, whether they developed before or after filing. Spouses frequently fought over these conflicts, leading to expensive litigation that left everyone with ill feelings.

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What Does Mediation Cost Vs. Divorce Litigation?

One of the most unnerving aspects of a divorce is the expense. Litigation involves filing fees, court costs, attorneys’ fees and other expenses. When a couple can’t agree on how to end their marriage and make child custody arrangements, sparring between their attorneys can drive up costs. The more acrimonious a divorce becomes, the more expensive.

But more couples are discovering mediation to resolve the conflicts amicably to avoid pricey litigation. Even the most adversarial couples can be helped by a mediator who works for a win-win solution. This process can save both parties money as well as reduce the time it takes to finalize a divorce.

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How Mediation Can Resolve Family Conflicts


Even in an uncontested divorce, difficulties can arise. Whether it's childcare, property division, or other sticking points, you and your partner may continually argue about the same thing. You may be at the point where you're ready to take them to court and litigate everything.

This isn't necessary.

If you and your partner keep having the same discussions that go back and forth without any resolution, consider working with a third-party mediator. They can help you work through the things that are keeping you from finishing your divorce.

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