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Family Law Blog New City, New York

News and insights about divorce and family law in New York.

Divorce Mediation

divorce mediationDivorce mediation is a type of voluntary alternative dispute resolution that allows divorcing couples to forego traditional court proceedings in favor of a less contentious and more cost-effective compromise-based resolution of their marriage.

In a typical divorce mediation, the mediator will help you and your partner reach an agreement on several important issues, including but not limited to:

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Violation of New York Custody Order

visitation new york custody orderWhen parents enter into a custody order with the courts, the arrangements set forth in the order are legally binding and should be adhered to at all times. Sometimes, one parent violates the custody order in such a way that the other parent is forced to go back to court. In this situation, an experienced New York family law attorney can help guide you through the process in order to protect your parental rights.

How are custody orders violated?

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Modifying a Custody Order in New York

child custody modification new yorkEstablishing a custody order that works for your family is an important aspect of any divorce. However, many post-divorce couples find themselves in situations where their custody order no longer works for their families. In New York, custody orders can be modified at any time in certain limited circumstances.

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An Overview of New York Visitation Laws

Establishing visitation is an important part of any custody arrangement and can be invaluable in fostering family continuity after a divorce or other domestic parting. If you are considering enforcing your visitation rights, a basic understanding of New York visitation laws will help you be better informed of your rights as well as prepare you for your first consultation with a qualified New York family law attorney.

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Grandparent Visitation Rights When Parents Object

grandparents rights when parents objectUnfortunately, grandparent rights are not automatic. A parent may object to grandparents visiting and otherwise interacting with their child for many reasons. Some parents may object due to a strained relationship with the grandparents while other parents object to a continued relationship after a contentious divorce. Whatever the reason for the objection, it is up to the grandparents to establish that they have legal standing to participate in a visitation court proceeding and that being granted visitation of the child is in the child’s best interest. In order to pursue your right to visitation of your grandchild, you will need to take legal action with the help of a qualified New York family law attorney.

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